
Yorksteadd Story

<h3>Yorksteadd <span>Story</span></h3>

Yorksteadd is an English fashion clothing line that was established in 1910 in York, England by renowned polo player Jack Russel. Jack Russel was a passionate player who wanted to start a clothing line in order to pay tribute to all the sports people who ever inspired, and in his own words, ‘will be inspiring him in the future.’


When Jack Russel came up with the idea for the first after winning a match in 1906, he took a week, collected and gathered his thoughts and sent invitations to designers from all over the world to come and meet him. He then went on to explain his thought process to all those designers and had a conversation with them on an individual basis to see whoever shared the same passion and beliefs as Russel had. After a week-long interview, he was able to find the right person, Mr. Cauhelo, who seemed to be just the right fit for the job.

Unfortunately, before the project could even start, Jack Russel suffered from a severe injury in his leg while playing on field. The project took a seat back for two consecutive years as the sports person turned celebrity expressed his wish to recover fully first before moving on with his dream project.

Mr. Cauhelo, meanwhile, traveled the world with the intention of expanding his knowledge and expertise in the world of design. After he came back in 1908, he received a letter from Jack Russel, wishing to resume the project they discussed two years back. Mr. Cauhelo always liked Russel’s enthusiasm and energy, which he later on even expressed in the press saying – ‘This fellow has a certain energy and air about him. I have felt it in every single one of our meetings that have taken place till now. I think it is even safe to assume that this enthusiasm of his has turned our relationship from that of formal to friendly one.’

The first meeting between Jack Russel, his manager Mr. Whitbread and Mr. Cauhelo took place on 28th of November 1908. They discussed, assigned tasks and responsibility and finally set the wheels into motion. According to Mr. Whitbread, the polo player, juggled between his work life, family life and the meeting for what later turned out to be Yorksteadd.

The brand was launched after a year, in 1909. Yorksteadd managed to grab not only sportspersons’ attention but also people who were looking for a brand that could give them breathable and sweat-absorbing outfits in which they could run and wrestle without having to worry about ruining their appearance. Yorksteadd became a staple name soon after.

In the 1940s, the brand was sent to the United States of America by Russel’s son, John for testing and luckily enough, it got the same fame that it received back in Jack Russel’s homeland.

Encouraged to see the result, his son and Russel’s manager continued to ship the products to many more countries including South America, Argentina, Australia, India et cetera. Since then the brand has tried improvising its policies and beliefs in order to keep up with the times.

In 2010, in order to honor Jack Russel, Yorksteadd became an eco-friendly brand, promoting sustainability by introducing a brand new line of products that were made from organic or recycled materials to reduce carbon footprint and save the environment and future generations which, the brand believes, should be here to witness Jack’s legacy.

<h3>Yorksteadd <span>Story</span></h3>

Richard Paadler Story

<h3>Richard Paadler <span>Story</span></h3>

Richard Paadler is a French clothing retailing company. It has corporate think tank and technical designing team in France, Paris. The brand was founded by Mark Richard and Henry Paadler in 1872.


In the 1775s, France witnessed an acute shortage of skilled artisans, weavers and tailors who handled French royalty fashionably well up until then. When the risk of losing what they valued the most loomed over, the royalty thought of running a contest with the promise of giving the winner the honor of serving them. Many came and many lost until the duo – Mark Richard & Henry Paadler were found.

Mark Richard hailed from Corsica, while Henry was from Paris. They met in 1774, in one of the pubs and instantly connected given the same passion they shared in designing. From then onwards, they kept on meeting in that very pub until they became close friends. After two years, a contest was announced by the French royalty that they decided to participate in without even giving a second thought. Their team work, the proper alignment in their ideas and their sheer talent and passion to create something aesthetically beautiful as well as comfortable helped them to earn appreciation, praises and accolades from the French royalty.

Soon enough they started working and as promised the royalty took them in as personal designers for more than several decades, or rather served them until the second world war broke out. The scenario of that time inspired Mark and Henry’s descendants to do something for the soldiers using the skill which they had been gifted. In other words, they saw the world was shifting, and the need to devote their skills to a braver cause was immediately felt. And so, Richard’s and Paadler’s sons went on to make military gear for the allied forces till 1945. They gave employment to hundreds and hundreds of women whose husbands went to the war. This move was lauded by everyone, especially the women. ‘Those people helped me feed my family while my husband was absent and was serving the nation’, said one woman.

When the war was won and over, the company decided to start a label – Richard Paadler in order to continue the legacy left behind by Mark Richard and Henry Paadler. In the 1875s the brand began making its appearance globally and over a period of two decades, it managed to gain an international reputation for itself. The products were shipped from France to Spain, United States of America, South America, Australia, India, UK and many other countries.

Today, the company Richard Paadler holds the same beliefs as held by Mark Richard and Henry Paadler. It believes in clothes endowed with style as well as comfort. A few things, although, have changed over time – like the company adopting serious measures to counter climate change and hence coming up with alternatives and applying them to the entire process of manufacturing clothes. From taking care of the sourced fabric to the end product, the brand pledged to keep everything environmentally friendly, without having to compromise with the quality at the same time.

Richard Paadler – a long legacy and a big name in the world of fashion doesn’t hesitate to change its ways whenever required. ‘The point is to keep the essence, but also change a few things around whenever there is a need to’, says Mr. Leo Philip, the current CEO of Richard Paadler.

<h3>Richard Paadler <span>Story</span></h3>

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